The Nigeria Business and Disability Network (NBDN) is an employer-led platform building disability confidence of employers, fostering disability inclusion practices and policies in the workplace, as well as job readiness of people with disabilities.

Disability inclusion makes good business sense. We help create a disability-smart business environment by helping employers see how and tap into the potential and capabilities that over 30 million Nigerians with disabilities could bring to increase business revenue, and growth and enhance brand reputation.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) set up the Global Business and Disability Network (GBDN) for private-sector employers to champion the mainstreaming of disability within the framework of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The principle and chatter of this network is reinforcing the UN mantra agenda of leave no one behind, where people with disability have equal opportunities and employers can tap into the pool of skills these diverse groups bring to work.

NBDN is an offshoot of the global network and the national body of employers in Nigeria championing disability inclusion. The network was incubated by Sightsavers and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management in 2020.


An employer-led network championing the inclusion and benefit of people with disability in the workplace.


To technically support, raise awareness and exchange knowledge among private and public organisations on disability inclusion in the workplace
